ST. MICHAEL’S AND ALL ANGELS 255 Stars of the Morning, So Gloriously Bright Job 38: 7 10. 10. 10. 10. Φωστῆϱες τῆς ἀϋλου οὐσίας St. Joseph the Hymnographer, †883, cento Tr., John M. Neale, 1862, ab., alt. O quanta qualia Plain-song melody, c. 1650 ly Lord Then, Lord Filled fight, mid space, own, bright, them Thou of when God with an the of ce them the Thy the let when are of morn suc earth min 2 These 1 Stars Then, 4 Still 3 still poised these glo dost let in rious cor was is ing, so us, first ters, thems ed sen nev an tial where when are that, end mes night their were Thy where they the gers, er les Sab plan gel bat sped near splen hosts, first oth, re ic ets a Till, Then, These These for their Thy on and tling right, race, throne; light, dence est Praise Help Then We pour, ploy, the the Ho help sons an the of all with Thrice the em eth Thou less ly day, fol these six cease send, low dost days’ A aye. fend. joy. dore. men. One ones, God may ev man shout bow ly less of gels er ed and to and de for a